BASS Tournament Information

You must be a member of our club and have a BASS membership in order to fish our tournaments.
Virtual pretournament meeting will be available on our social media pages and website Friday before the tournament. Any questions please email us at phoenixjuniorbassmasters@gmail.com Thank you!
Please let us know if you will or will not be attending the BASS tournament.
BARTLETT TOURNAMENT INFORMATION: Bartlett Tournament April 28th (make-up tournament date from 3.24.24)
Quick Links: Bartlett Lake
Tournament general information:
Official Practice Days: April 26-27, no teams can be on the water after 5:00 pm on Saturday; teams must stay off until the tournament begins Sunday morning at launch time.
Meet near the WHITE Junior Trailer by the Jojoba Main Ramp, Tonto Pass Required, buy ahead of time at Cabela’s, Bass Pro, Shell Gas Station at Cave Creek/Carefree Hwy, Online via VIPLY app. OR you can purchase at the Ramp Kiosk. Please know that the ramp kiosk sometimes doesn’t work! https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/tonto/passes-permits/recreation
Be at the Registration table by 5:30 a.m., check in at the Registration Table, have a bite to eat, and drink Coffee or juice. Feel free to get on the water as soon as your team is ready!
Junior DRAW Anglers must stay at designated CONE until they are paired with their teammate and Captain (Boats by Cone Color: 1-5=Orange, 6-10=Purple, 11-15=Green)
Launch Process, on the water by 6 am, Launch by Safelight​​
When on the ramp, please turn off your headlights...that way the people coming up the ramp are not blinded by the lights of the vehicles trying to come down the ramp. ​
Music will play, National Anthem, Morning Sendoff Prayer
Boats Line up in Boat Number order:
Ask a neighbor boat what their number is
Organize selves on the water
Jr DRAW will launch first, followed by Jr TEAMS, last will be the High School anglers
Example: Boats 1 & 2 Stage near doc, 3-10 stage closest to doc, once National Anthem is complete boats 1-10 start to form a line, 11-44 start to follow in line, for a smooth and faster launch process.
Drive-by Director or designee (call boat, or on the dock)
When your boat number is called
With Life Vest on
Live Wells Open
Kill Switch attached
RULE Reminders:
No min for Phoenix Junior Bassmasters, 5 fish team weight.
If a boat captain or an angler gets off the boat, all fishing must cease until partners are back together in the boat.
NO encroachment or impeding (talk to the other boats)
Boat Captains will NOT fish during the tournament, which includes casting lines or lures, setting the hook, Reel, or play fish to the boat. If a boat captain is caught doing so the anglers may be disqualified from the tournament. For example, the captain cannot cast and hand the fishing rod to the angler.
OFF LIMITS: Marina & any other buoys as placed by AZ Game & Fish
Weigh-in starts at 1 pm, Junior DRAW Flight 1: 1 pm, Junior TEAM Flight 2: 1:30 pm, FLIGHTS MUST CHECK IN WITH TIMEKEEPER AT DOCK!
Drive-Thru weigh-in, you are responsible for healthy fish release. Boat Captains, please make sure your anglers are releasing the fish properly, as we have had complaints of anglers throwing the fish back instead of handling the fish carefully and releasing them correctly. Fish Care is a top priority and any anglers caught throwing fish may be disqualified from future fishing tournaments.
Angler Reminders:
Boat Captain Gas Money-$20-$40 - DON'T FORGET!!
Adults will give money directly to your child’s boat Captain.
It is expected/common practice for all non-boaters to give their Boat Captain Gas Money.​
JR TEAMS - talk with your Captains about your expectations for boat gas money.
3-4 Rods
Tackle Box Backpack (preferred)
Baits, Hooks, Weights, Line, clippers, needle Nose Pliers
Life Jacket
Weigh-in Bag
Non-Crumby Snacks
Clear Liquid drink ONLY
Hat, buff
Any meds you need
SPORTSMANSHIP: Team attitude, Angling Etiquette, Boat Etiquette, FISH CARE